When I wrote the article “Everything must change” in February, I wasn’t anticipating the massive coronavirus disruption that has rapidly covered the world. In that article I wrote that “the world isn’t going to change if we don’t“, and I was so wrong. Now a virus that we can’t even see has forced the world to change. It’s very interesting to see how the world is changing and to use this as a mechanism to consider, after all is said and done, what is truly important.

What has stopped?
Once the coronavirus threat became serious enough, it was interesting to see how quickly things like sporting events, commercial flights, pubs, restaurants, theatres, gyms and even working in an office have all been stopped. All of these things seem significant when they’re shut down as they disrupt our normal lives, but none of them are really, fundamentally, important – we’ll all live fine without them. Losing these things temporarily will not damage us.
What is surprising?
I assume we’re all surprised by things like the disappearance of toilet paper in the supermarkets. This was one of the first signs of our communities “every person for themselves” attitude, which really shows us that we don’t have a functioning community at all. Most people seem to be concerned purely about getting as much stuff into their house as possible, probably more than they could ever need, and not caring one bit about other peoples’ needs.
The other thing that is surprising is the number of people who try to talk down the threat of the virus and ignore government directives. Again, there’s no thought of the danger to the general community as they continue to do things that could help spread the extent of the virus. All they care about is themselves and not anybody else.
I can understand that some people find it very difficult to be peaceful and still at home. In general, when people are peaceful and still at home, it’s difficult for companies to make money from them, so our society has gradually got to the point where getting out and doing things is almost a requirement. It’s what makes the economy we’ve constructed work.

What is emerging?
On the other hand, in the midst of this coronavirus disruption, it’s amazing to see a real sense of community re-emerging. Most neighbourhoods are now full of people working from home and there’s a growing sense of concern for the people around them. Some are checking in on the elderly and sick around them and helping them to do their shopping, etc. It’s great to see.
The community was always there, but we were conditioned to ignore it because of “the economy” and business imperatives.
It’s also emerging that people are realising that we can live more peacefully, and it doesn’t hurt. We can exercise in more simple ways. We can be creative. We can read and contemplate.
Also, some people are noticing that they have gardens that can supply food!!
What is truly important?
Let’s take this chance to see what is truly important. Many of the things that we thought were important from our standard lives, simply just weren’t. Now we can see that life can be simpler. What is truly important is to be part of a community and to help each other out.
Now is our chance to consider what we’d like to change and what we’d like to keep, even after this coronavirus disruption has passed.
It feels like the universe has given us a moment to pause and decide which direction we’d like to take in the future. Do we want to go back to exactly how things were before? Or do we want something better? What is truly important?
Related Links – What is truly important?
- Everything must change
- Do you ever need a professional sportsperson?
- Independent countries make no sense
- Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How. – from politico.com – I don’t agree with everything in this article, but there’s some interesting stuff
Nice makes me take things into perspective.
Hi Jo. Thanks for leaving your comment. All the best.
Je partage ce que tu dis . J’aimerais que ce confinement amène les gens à prendre conscience des valeurs fondamentales et que l’Humain et non le matériel soit au centre des pensées. C’est aussi intéressant de voir que la nature reprend peu à peu ses droits. La pollution a diminué dans les villes, à Venise l’eau des canaux est redevenue claire.
Espérons que nous soyons tous unis pour tirer de ce drame les leçons indispensables et vitales pour le futur.
Portez-vous tous bien.
Thanks so much for your comments Maryse. Let’s hope we learn some lessons.
Many people live a paycheck to paycheck existence. This pandemic has turned many of these peoples lives completely upside down. Those who have lost a job or about to lose their job are understandably very anxious about what they are going to do about food and accommodation. I don’t think they are contemplating the meaning of life right now. Whats truly important to these people is purely survival.
When people are struggling I try to reach out where I can to help. If I am at the grocery store and I notice a person really worried about money— I keep track of them. You most often see them in the pet food isle. They will often put back human food to buy the pet food. When they head to the check out line. I head for their store check out person and hand him or her a $$50.00 or $100 bill. I say, “toward their groceries— please, no attention, Thank you.” and slip back into the store to finish my shopping. It is all done very quietly and anonymously. It is a simple way to help fellow human beings and pets that are struggling.
P.S. During the pandemic I renamed my fun money jar the give help jar…
I agree 100%, what is truly important is survival and I’d hope that our communities and governments will come together to support all these people that need critical help. I believe that the underlying problem is the way our economy works, which almost guarantees that there will be a large number of people working from paycheck to paycheck and constantly worried about supporting themselves. However, the economy we have built is just one economy. We can build a better one that would be better for most people. That’s what I’d like to see happen. In the meantime, let’s take care of all the people in most need.
Hi Peter.
I agree with you.
I also think we need to start paying sustainable wages instead of minimum wages. When billion dollar companies put how to get government benefits for food, housing and insurance (USA) in the new job package for new employees, it saves businesses BIG bucks. Taxpayers get stuck with those bills and big business laughs all the way to the banks.
Business needs to stop looking at employees as expenditures and start looking at employees as an investment. Paying such pitifully poor wages to people working full time, who are then forced to live paycheck to paycheck, is a travesty. Big businesses, and the ultra wealthy, are lining their pockets at the people’s expense!
Big business lobbying creates more loopholes to save them more money. That money could have been used by governments to help education, job training, services for the disabled, elderly, infrastructure, etc., and better all community and country investments.
P.s. You have great, thought provoking websites! Well done! Bravo!