This short documentary, "COP26 - In Your Hands", made me feel really quite sad. I saw it a few weeks ago on Sky News, but the documentary originally aired on Sky Kids. Why should it be up to these six … [Read more...] about COP26 – In Your Hands
climate change
The Natural Thermostat and CO2
I've recently been reading several books about our environment, atmosphere, Earth system science and climate change, and I've been learning some new things. Things that I feel I should have known but … [Read more...] about The Natural Thermostat and CO2
Independent countries make no sense
Right now, I'm living in Britain during the incredible Brexit issue and wondering just how it's going to resolve itself. However, considering the situation and all the debates, it makes me realise … [Read more...] about Independent countries make no sense
350 This is the website of an organization that is trying to build a global movement to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere back to 350 ppm. This is the level that James Hansen … [Read more...] about 350
How quantum mechanics explains global warming
This is a nice short video (only 5 minutes long) that explains how CO2 acts as a blanket around the Earth. The infrared heat emitted by the Earth would pass out into space except that CO2 captures … [Read more...] about How quantum mechanics explains global warming