Michael Harari of Florida Atlantic University is running a study related to low consumption lifestyles. If you’re eligible (see Micheal’s message below) and would like to contribute by responding to their questionnaire, please do.
If you are a voluntary simplifier (someone who chooses to embrace a low consumption lifestyle) and are currently employed, we would like to hear from you! My colleague and I are conducting a study to try to better understand how workplaces and experiences at work can affect people’s efforts to live more simply. If you are willing to participate, please click the following link. You will be redirected to a brief questionnaire (it will take approximately 5 minutes to complete). At the end, we will ask if you are willing to be contacted for an interview, which will take approximately 30 minutes and be done via Zoom. As a “thank you” to those who are willing to participate in the interview, for each interview conducted, we will be donating $10 to the World Wildlife Fund. Thanks for your consideration. We hope that your insights will help us to better understand the work-simple life interface, with the ultimate goal of making simple living more accessible.
My faculty profile can be found here, for reference: https://business.fau.edu/faculty-research/faculty-profiles/profile/mharari.php
Michael B. Harari, PhD
Sara Alshareef, PhD
Michael B. Harari, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Management
College of Business
Florida Atlantic University
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