Scientists have designed an experiment to test if our world is really just a 2D hologram and not really 3D at all. Is our world just a hologram? Sounds crazy right? Brings back memories of “The Matrix”? Well it’s true. That’s what scientists are trying to do.
A very good friend of mine put me onto this story. I found this article on – – and I’ve copied the text completely below (see bottom) for reference.
Are we meant to figure out our world?
I have a strange feeling that we’re not meant to figure out our world. I keep thinking back to the story of the double-slit experiment (see Double-slit experiment defines weirdness) and it seems like just about anything is possible. It also seems like whoever or whatever created this world has a sense of humor. With the double-slit experiment, just as the scientists thought they had everything figured out, the universe threw them a curve ball and turned everything on its head. It proved that we really understand virtually nothing. I can just imagine the creator having a really good laugh about it.
Think about it for a second. The most powerful forces in the world are things we can’t even see or touch. Gravity is a good example. The universe wouldn’t work at all without gravity. We couldn’t exist without it. Yet we can’t see it and we can’t touch it and we have no idea how or why it exists. We don’t know much do we? Again I can imagine the creator having a good laugh.
This experiment into the possibility of a hologram could be just like another double-slit experiment. I imagine we could be getting interesting results and just about to make some huge conclusion, when suddenly everything gets turned upside-down again and we realize we know practically nothing.
Does a potential hologram matter?
So, are we meant to figure out our world? Is it important to try and do so? Are there more important things we should be trying to figure out?
What do you think? Please share your thoughts.
Is the universe a 2D hologram? Fermilab intends to find out
An experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory called the Holometer intends to test several theories about the universe, including the holographic principle.
by Michelle Starr @riding_red August 26, 2014 6:03 PM PDT (article from we live in a 2D hologram? There’s no short answer, but physicists believe it may be possible. The holographic principle — a property of particle physics’ string theory — proposes that information about a region of space can be ascertained by the information on the surface that surrounds it — much like you can determine, say, currents in water by the eddies on the surface.
But does this actually mean that our universe is an optical illusion created by light diffraction? Fermilab has just switched on a machine that may help a team of researchers figure it out: the Holometer, the most sensitive instrument ever built to measure the quantum jitter of space.
They liken the idea to a television, where pixels become less cohesive the closer you get to the screen. Those tiny pieces of data, however, holistically form a recognisable image when you move away from the screen; the researchers believe the universe may be contained in the same way, with the “pixel” size of space roughly 10 trillion times smaller than an atom — the smallest distance possible in the universe, called the Planck length.
The Holometer uses a pair of inteferometers — devices used to superimpose waves to compare them — placed close together to each send a one-kilowatt laser (equivalent to 200,000 laser pointers) at a beam splitter and down two 40-metre arms arranged in a perpendicular L-shape. The light is reflected back to the beam splitter, and, if there is motion, this will cause fluctuations in brightness. It is these fluctuations that the researchers will analyse, looking for holographic noise.
This is expected to occur in all frequencies, but the researchers will be looking for noise that can’t be explained away, such as radio waves emitted from nearby electronics. Because the frequency the Holometer is working at is extremely high — millions of cycles per second — the motions of normal matter are not likely to affect results, which makes matters a little less complicated.
“If we find a noise we can’t get rid of, we might be detecting something fundamental about nature — a noise that is intrinsic to space-time,” said Fermilab physicist Aaron Chou, lead scientist and project manager for the Holometer. “It’s an exciting moment for physics. A positive result will open a whole new avenue of questioning about how space works.”
This will allow the machine to gauge the limits of the universe’s ability to store information. If there are a finite number of bits that tell you how to locate something, for instance, there will come a point at which no more information is available.
“We want to find out whether space-time is a quantum system just like matter is,” said Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics director Craig Hogan. “If we see something, it will completely change ideas about space we’ve used for thousands of years.”
The Holometer experiment is expected to continue to gather data over the coming year.
Please leave your comments below. It would be great to hear what you think.
to add to this, the world is actually upside down, but our retina reverses the image. How could the retina invert a 3-dimensional object. The human mind is conditioned and under control of the laws of Nature I refer to as God. Our senses are limited in perception and therefore, subject to incomplete understanding even with use of our intellect because our intellect analyzes everything according to our limited sense perception. A scientist however might use intuition because he realizes everything is just a theory and nothing can be proven as absolute or a fact past present and future. Just through observation we see everything moves in cycles like seasonal changes and day and night. Newton discovered laws of nature and they were named after him as though he created the laws and dares to take credit. These laws already exist, Nature has been defined as an intelligence that no one can usurp the power of. Just like you said in the article about not having the ability to perceive gravity and time. I read an article about evidence that the earth is not a 3 dimensional sphere; but we perceive as a round planet. In ancient Vedas of India, they call these planets islands or Dvipa in Sanskrit. I also read that these physicists believe we are in a matrix controlled by superior intelligence just like we are operating a computer. The intelligence of nature cannot be conceived just as a microbe walking across our body cannot comprehend and perceive they are walking on a gargantuan living body