No, I haven’t misspelt the title, I do mean Bee a Human. This morning I heard an article on the news about how some people are protesting the enforced requirement to wear masks because it’s a violation of their civil liberties. This started me thinking about all the ways this is so sad and so wrong, and it made me start thinking of a civilisation of bees in a beehive.

Analogy of the bees
In a beehive there is a colony of bees and they all have their role to play – worker bees, drone bees and queen bees. They all know what they have to do and they get on and do it for the good of the whole colony. A single bee cannot survive on its own. In fact, their life is existing at the level of the colony and not at the level of single bees (it’s the same for us humans but we don’t necessarily see that).
Now imagine if worker bees started a protest saying that forcing them to do the duties of worker bees was against their civil liberties, and they preferred to lie back in the sun and read magazines instead (an extreme example just trying to make a point). This would signal the death of the colony and wouldn’t be a good thing at all.
That’s where I see a parallel with humans claiming that wearing masks are against their civil liberties. If enough humans thought this way (it’s hard to say how many would form enough) the virus would spread rapidly and it could lead to the end of the human race, or at least some of the colonies of the human race.
What do humans need to do?
First and foremost, every human needs to be a human (Bee a Human!). What does that mean? Well, thinking back to the situation of the bees, all the bees work together to create a successful colony. For the most part, our human society works like this too. There are a tremendous amount of people who work hard, and do important jobs involving sacrifice, to help ensure the human colony is successful and survives. It’s on the other hand that we need to take care because there is a growing number of the population that are becoming individualistic, caring only for themselves and not about the greater whole.
It’s important for us today that humans in general increase our awareness of being a global human colony. We’re going to live together or die together. There are not really any individuals. We are defined by being part of the global human colony and the role we play in keeping it viable and alive.
In fact, we can go even further and see that each individual human is a part of the complete colony of life that exists on Earth. We’re all intertwined and interdependent (humans, animals, plants, insects, bacteria, viruses, atmosphere) and we are actually defined as being part of the elaborate system of life on Earth, and the role we play in keeping it viable and alive.
So now, back to the question of masks, we have a duty to wear them so as to protect our fellow humans in an effort to keep life on Earth viable and alive. Then we can extend that thought to many areas where us humans have such an important role to play. It’s disturbing that more and more of us seem to be forgetting that our role is to be part of life and to keep it viable and alive. For the past couple of hundred years, we’ve become more and more exploitative and begun burning and polluting like it has no effect on the system of life on Earth. Just like wearing masks we have a duty to do everything we can to repair this situation, otherwise life will become unviable and die.
Bee a Human
So, every one of us needs to be a human (Bee a Human) and do all the things we can to promote the complete system of life on Earth. That’s our role. We can ask ourselves if the things we’re generally doing now are helping to keep the Earth’s system of life viable and alive. Too much of what we do today is going against this aim. Do we need to change what we’re doing? We can’t afford to be humans that take pleasure from the many things we’ve created that are actually polluting and destroying the system of life on Earth. And clearly, under the threat of a pandemic, one simple step we can (and must) take today is to wear masks to help keep humanity safe.
Related Links – Bee a Human
- Wearing masks vs. constitutional rights – from WTOC news
- Colony Life of a Honey Bee – from Arizona State University
- Humans And Bees Are More Similar Than You Think – from
- Extinction of convenience – from
- My wish: Help me stop pandemics
- If All The Bees In The World Die, Humans Will Not Survive – from
Bonjour Peter,
Il est vrai que l’individualisme est de plus en plus fort dans notre société. C’est ce sentiment qui est la cause d’une grande partie de la pauvreté, de la disparition de nombreuses espèces animales, de l’accélération de la destruction de la planète. Tout comme les abeilles, nous sommes un maillon d’une chaîne qui pour survivre a besoin que chacun se respecte , respecte le rôle qu’il a à tenir, et soit solidaire. C’est la condition de notre survie , et le port du masque en fait partie.
Bien amicalement.